Sunday, September 29, 2013

Garden shots September 2013

Planted cape gooseberries a month ago and already loaded with berries ripening. A load of ginger ready to harvest and cardamon also coming along well. Beautiful harvest of pineapple sage to pick and dry for tea. Herbs in spiral coming along well. Borage attracting bees!

Compost and garden

Made 18 day "hot compost" and success! Secret was keeping it moist and 1/3 green waste, 1/3 manures and 1/3 cane mulch, cardboard and shredded paper. Turned on 3rd day and then every 2nd day for 18 days. The temperature was so hot in middle we couldn't touch it! Making a second lot now and a photo of remainder of compost after using most in garden.

Worm Farm, Compost Making and Gardening

Ordered some 1000 Red Wrigglers online and deposited them in worm farm on top of some horse poo. Watering them every 2nd or 3rd day as record temperatures and it only early spring. They are living their new home and we have already had loads of worm juice for the garden.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Herb spiral

Created a herb spiral from rocks we had left over from dismantling edge of garden bed. All ready to plant out.

Wild lettuce

Haven't weeded for awhile as observing the garden. Found out we have wild lettuce growing throughout our garden (original stock of cultivated versions). Feel very excited at this new previously I identified food source growing in our backyard.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Moringa Tree

This 6foot high Moringa tree was planted as a seed in the last week of October 2012. It is now March 10 2013. Am having leaves off my 4 trees in green smoothie each day.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Canna Lilly seeds sprouting

After 10 days in water ( changed water every few days as went cloudy) they starting to sprout! Am probably going to wait until the sprout protrudes slightly more, maybe another week, then pot them up.

Might have to risk bruising the fingertips again and using the nail clipper to puncture the canna seed until the white embryo is exposed and soak some more now it looks like the method is successful! Very exciting.